What is the difference between H-1B, L-1, and TN visas?

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There are several different types of visas available to foreign nationals seeking entry into the United States for better job opportunities. In the U.S. employers can hire foreign nationals who have certain skills and abilities needed for specific jobs if they cannot otherwise find U.S. workers with the same skill sets needed for the specialty occupation. With several different visa categories, many people are overwhelmed and unsure whether they meet certain eligibility requirements for different types of visas. When it comes to temporary work visas, many people confuse H-1B, L-1, and TN visas. Continue to follow along to learn about the differences between these temporary nonimmigrant work visas. In addition, contact a determined Middlesex County, New Jersey Business Immigration Lawyer who can help you determine which work visa you could obtain. 

What is an H-1B visa?

The H-1B visa is a temporary nonimmigrant work visa that allows U.S. employers to hire foreign nationals with specialized skills in a specific field (i.e. mathematics, sciences, the arts, engineering, IT, accounting, medicine, education, and others) to work in the U.S. To qualify for an H-1B visa, you must have specialized knowledge of a certain profession. To qualify for this type of visa, you must have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent education.

What is an L-1 visa?

The L-1 visa is also a temporary nonimmigrant work visa. This type of work visa allows internal staff transfers of executives, managers, or individuals with specialized knowledge of the company’s interests. An employer can transfer a member of their staff from the organization’s foreign location to their U.S. location. However, the U.S. company must have been established for at least one year. Unlike H-1B visas, L-1 visas have no education requirements. To qualify, you must have been employed for at least 12 months in the last three years.

What is a TN visa?

Furthermore, the Trade NAFTA (TN) visa is another type of temporary nonimmigrant work visa. However, this type of work visa allows Canadian and Mexican citizens to enter the U.S. temporarily to work in specific professional occupations. Currently, sixty NAFTA occupations qualify for TN nonimmigrant status. This type of visa was established so those under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) can work in the United States temporarily. To meet eligibility requirements, you must demonstrate permanent ties to Mexico or Canada. Additionally, you must prove you intend to return to your country of origin once your TN employment period ends.

For more information on the different categories of temporary work visas, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our experienced and determined team members. Our firm is committed to helping our clients seek temporary employment in the U.S. We can help you determine if you meet the eligibility criteria for H-1B, L-1, or TN visas. Allow our firm to assist you today!

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