Middlesex County, New Jersey Juvenile Defense Lawyer

As a parent, there’s nothing more important than your child. If your child has been charged with committing a juvenile offense, you’ll likely do everything in your power to shield him or her from those charges. The first and most important thing you can do is retain the services of a compassionate yet aggressive Middlesex County, New Jersey juvenile defense lawyer who knows the ins and outs of the juvenile system and fights, tooth and nail, for your child’s future. Contact the Law Offices of Aditya Surti, LLC today to schedule your initial consultation with our firm.

Why Hire an NJ Juvenile Defense Lawyer?

In most cases, fortunately, juvenile offenses don’t typically move beyond the juvenile system. However, certain more heinous offenses can, and in some cases, your child may even be tried as an adult. Regardless of the severity of your child’s case, however, any juvenile offense can have significant repercussions on your child and his or her future. Our Middlesex County, New Jersey criminal defense lawyer is here to shield your child from those repercussions at all costs.

Juvenile Offenses in New Jersey

As per the New Jersey state law, a juvenile is anyone under the age of eighteen and the New Jersey Code of Juvenile Justice governs the juvenile proceedings. Superior Court of New Jersey, Chancery Division, Family Part handles the judicial proceedings relating to charges against juveniles using different rules according to the New Jersey Code of Juvenile Justice.

The statutory consequences of criminal behavior of juvenile offenders are substituted by supervision, rehabilitation, and accountability and are provided protection, care, and complete mental and physical development

Juveniles lack the right to be screened by a grand jury like adults are. A judge alone hears and decides the charges against a juvenile. Juveniles also lack the right to release on bail. They are placed in detention awaiting their trial. If you or your child were accused of committing a juvenile offense, we strongly recommend hiring a competent juvenile defense lawyer to represent you.

Contact the Law Offices of Aditya Surti, LLC Today

The bottom line is that if your child is currently facing a juvenile offense, you’re best served with a dedicated attorney in your corner. Our firm truly cares about you, your child, and their opportunity to have a bright and productive future, and we will stop at nothing to get the best outcome possible on your behalf. Contact the Law Offices of Aditya Surti, LLC today so we can listen to your story and get working on your case.

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