Can I get a divorce without going to court?

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Couples in unhappy marriages are often reluctant to end their marriage because of the potential of a lengthy, costly legal process that involves numerous court hearings and a trial. However, a long, drawn-out legal battle does not always have to be the outcome. Instead, if you and your spouse can work together to reach a mutually beneficial divorce agreement, you can dissolve your marriage without going to court. If you are considering dissolving your marriage and you do not want to go to court, contact a trusted Middlesex County, New Jersey, Divorce Lawyer who can help you consider all of your options for ending your marriage that enable you to avoid litigation. Please continue reading to learn about alternative divorce routes that allow you to end your marriage without going to court in New York. 

How can I end my marriage without going to court?

In most cases, couples have a difficult time agreeing on the terms that will apply to the termination of their marriage, such as issues of child custody, child support, spousal support, and property division. You must go through a contested divorce if you cannot reach a mutual agreement. This process entails multiple court hearings and a trial, during which a judge will have total control over the decision concerning the end of the marriage. With a contested divorce, you will not be able to avoid litigation. However, if you and your spouse can agree on the terms that will apply to the termination of the marriage, you can go through an uncontested divorce. Although you can avoid litigation with an uncontested divorce, you will likely have to briefly appear before the court for your final hearing in which the judge signs the divorce decree. Therefore, to avoid going to court, you should opt for an alternative divorce route, such as mediation or a collaborative divorce.

What alternative divorce routes should I consider?

You can undergo divorce mediation if you want to avoid going to court altogether. In divorce mediation, you and your spouse will attend sessions with a neutral third-party mediator to help you resolve your disputed issues and reach a mutually beneficial divorce agreement. If successful, at the end of the process, the contract will become legally binding after you have signed the agreed-upon divorce settlement.

Moreover, if you do not want to undergo mediation, you can opt for a similar process known as a collaborative divorce. In a collaborative divorce, you and your spouse will attend sessions with your attorneys, where you will try to iron out any contested issues. The goal of a collaborative divorce is to reach an agreement on the terms that will apply to the termination of the marriage. With a collaborative divorce, you can avoid court if you can negotiate a mutually beneficial agreement.

For more information on alternative divorce routes that allow you to end your marriage without going to court, contact a talented lawyer from the Law Offices of Aditya Surti, LLC today. As a firm, we are dedicated to assisting our clients in exploring all possible options for ending their marriage in a way tailored to their needs. Allow our firm to represent your interests.

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