Every year thousands of immigrants are held in detention facilities to await court proceedings to determine whether they will be deported or allowed to remain in the United States. If this reflects your circumstances, it’s important to understand that you may be able to receive a temporary release from detention on an immigration bond while awaiting their trial. Please continue reading to learn who is eligible for an immigration bail bond and why connecting with a determined New Jersey Immigration Lawyer is in your best interest.
What is an Immigration Bond?
In most cases, those detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are held in detention centers to secure their presence for immigration proceedings or removal from the country. Depending on the circumstances, a detainee may be granted a bond. An immigration bond is akin to a guarantee that you will attend your court hearings and comply with other requirements. Essentially, it’s a payment that serves as collateral. If you fail to appear for all scheduled hearings or don’t adhere to court orders you will relinquish the funds paid to the court for your conditional release. If you appear at all of your court hearings and follow the terms and conditions of your release, you will receive the money back. In most cases, bail bonds start around $1,500. However, the specific amount is set by ICE based on factors such as:
- How long have you been in the U.S.?
- Whether or not you have family members in the U.S.
- Criminal history
- Employment history
- Immigration violations
- Any other relevant factors
How Can I Get One?
For detainees to be eligible for immigration bonds, they must not have committed or been convicted of a certain type of serious crime. In addition, they must not be an arriving alien or an individual who is applying for admission at a port of entry. If you meet the following criteria, ICE will inform you if a bond has already been set or if it will be denied. If a bond has not been set, you will be responsible for requesting it. This can be achieved at your first court hearing or you can request it by writing a letter to the judge. You must prove that you meet the eligibility requirements, are not a danger to the public, and are not a flight risk. If you can prove this, you may be granted an immigration bond. If you cannot afford the bond, it’s possible to have someone else post one on your behalf.
If you are being held in a detention center, it’s in your best interest to enlist the help of an experienced New Jersey immigration lawyer who can help fight for you. Connect with the Law Offices of Aditya Surti, LLC today to learn more about what we can do for you.